
FFP29: How does Mike Huber help young athletes be their best?

How does @michaelvhuber help young athletes to be their best? I started the @freshmanfoundation podcast with the hope of shedding light on the mental and emotional challenges associated with the transition from high school to college sports through the eyes of others. From day one, this podcast has been about learning from others in hopes

FFP29: How does Mike Huber help young athletes be their best? Read More »

How Can Working with a Mental Performance Coach Enhance Your Baseball Career?

Mental performance coaching, often referred to as sport psychology, has been part of professional baseball for over 30 years. Pioneers like Harvey Dorfman and Ken Ravizza helped make mental skills training accepted in baseball.  Since the 1980s, the prevalence of mental skills coaching within major league baseball has grown steadily and significantly. Today, almost all

How Can Working with a Mental Performance Coach Enhance Your Baseball Career? Read More »

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