
Our Words Matter: Suggestions for Communicating With Young Athletes

As a Certified Mental Performance Consultant®, I have received several calls recently from troubled parents about their children dealing with fear of failure and elements of perfectionism. In particular, one conversation with a father of a young athlete has stood out. We discussed how language used with children can impact their mindset and motivation. So, how

Our Words Matter: Suggestions for Communicating With Young Athletes Read More »

What did reknowned mental performance coach Trevor Moawad understand about the Serenity Prayer?

Trevor Moawad is perhaps best known for being a trusted confidant and mental performance coach to Russell Wilson, star quarterback for the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks. Sadly, Moawad died this week from a private battle with cancer. He was only 48 years old. I did not know Trevor Moawad despite practicing in the same field. However,

What did reknowned mental performance coach Trevor Moawad understand about the Serenity Prayer? Read More »