
Coaching is emotional: How did I lose control on the field and what did I learn from it?

I recently let my emotions get the best of me while coaching my 8th grade son’s baseball game. I humbly say that it is a rare occurrence that I lose my cool while coaching. However, I am guilty in this instance. It led me to wonder, how do emotions affect coaches and their coaching? My […]

Coaching is emotional: How did I lose control on the field and what did I learn from it? Read More »

How Can Control Be a Positive Function in the Coaching Equation?

In Episode 37 of The Freshman Foundation Podcast (, my guest is Laurence Halsted, who is a two-time Olympian fencer. Laurence spoke about his experiences as a young athlete in England.  He glowingly spoke about his first fencing coach who provided him a great deal of autonomy to explore his sport. This led to a

How Can Control Be a Positive Function in the Coaching Equation? Read More »

What can a TV character teach us about the coach-athlete relationship?

I don’t watch a lot of television and when I do, I usually rewatch shows that I really enjoy. I know that sounds pretty boring. However, I’m not afraid to admit that’s my style. Friday Night Lights (FNL) is a critically-acclaimed show about a Texas town that is centered around its high school football program.

What can a TV character teach us about the coach-athlete relationship? Read More »

REPOST: Is it worth reading? “Chop wood, carry water” By Joshua Medcalf

I am reposting my review of “Chop Wood, Carry Water” by Joshua Medcalf originally published in August 2020. The book came up in a recent podcast interview with John Lannan, former Major League Baseball pitcher and now Mental Performance Coach for the Toronto Blue Jays (that episode will drop in early 2022). John and I

REPOST: Is it worth reading? “Chop wood, carry water” By Joshua Medcalf Read More »

How Can Working with a Mental Performance Coach Enhance Your Baseball Career?

Mental performance coaching, often referred to as sport psychology, has been part of professional baseball for over 30 years. Pioneers like Harvey Dorfman and Ken Ravizza helped make mental skills training accepted in baseball.  Since the 1980s, the prevalence of mental skills coaching within major league baseball has grown steadily and significantly. Today, almost all

How Can Working with a Mental Performance Coach Enhance Your Baseball Career? Read More »

Our Words Matter: Suggestions for Communicating With Young Athletes

As a Certified Mental Performance Consultant®, I have received several calls recently from troubled parents about their children dealing with fear of failure and elements of perfectionism. In particular, one conversation with a father of a young athlete has stood out. We discussed how language used with children can impact their mindset and motivation. So, how

Our Words Matter: Suggestions for Communicating With Young Athletes Read More »

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